Book Notes by Bruce & Duncan Kelm
At Arrow Point, we’re avid readers because we believe reading books helps expand knowledge.
As passionate stewards of personal development and improvement, we read often. When we read, we like to capture what we learned. We have found the best way to do so is by summarizing and sharing our notes to help others glean their own takeaways.
Below is a collection of our current book notes, free to read and download.
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Book Notes Database
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Same as Ever – Morgan Housel – Book Notes and Takeaways
Book Notes The dead outnumber the living 14 to 1, we ignore the accumulated experience of a majority of mankind AT OUT PERIL INTRO An infinite number of ways your life could have turned out and you just happen to be living this version of it. This question naturally...

The Art of Contrary Thinking – Book Notes and Takeaways
Hello All, We are sharing a recent book summary that is incredibly applicable in today’s market. The key takeaways from this book offer a fantastic reminder of how thoughts and data should rule our decision process rather than opinions and emotions. Below is a brief...

The Psychology of Money – Morgan Housel – Book Notes and Takeaways
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel Book Notes and Takeaways via Bruce Kelm In the world of investing, No One is Crazy, but they may behave that way - just doing what makes sense to them at the time. Because everyone grew up in different circumstances, they...

Zero to One – Peter Thiel – Book Notes and Takeaways
Zero to One by Peter Theil Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm Best question to ask someone: “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?” At the macro level, the single word for horizontal progress is globalization – taking things that work...

Worldly Wisdom – Charlie Munger – Book Notes and Takeaways
Worldy Wisdom - Charlie Munger Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm Three ways to avoid pure misery Don’t ingest chemicals to alter your mood or perception Addiction can happen to any of us through a subtle process where the bonds of degradation are too light to...

Why We Sleep – Matthew Walker, PhD – Book Notes and Takeaways
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm The absolute fact is the shorter your sleep each night, the shorter your life span “I’ll sleep when I am dead” is a mantra that will almost assuredly shorten your life Two thirds of adults in...

Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes – Gary Belsky & Thomas Gilovich – Book Notes and Takeaways
Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes by Gary Belsky & Thomas Gilovich Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm This is an optimistic book written by a pair of realists Mental Accounting (Treating same dollars differently) Mental accounting (MA) is the tendency...

Traction – Gino Wickman – Book Notes and Takeaways
Traction by Gino Wickman Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm You are not your business, your business is an entity in and of itself It pays to keep score Recommend a weekly report card containing five to 15 high-level numbers that drive your organization The...

Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill – Book Notes and Takeaways
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm Success comes to those who become SUCCESS CONSCIOUS Keen pulsating DESIRE transcends everything else A great warrior story: He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to the enemy’s country,...

The Psychology of Selling – Brian Tracy – Book Notes and Takeaways
The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy Book Notes and Takeaways via Duncan Kelm Success is not an accident. Failure is not an accident either. In fact, success is predictable. It leaves tracks Analogy for winning: If a horse runs a race and wins by a nose, it wins...
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